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Apache Superset Test Drive

I have lately been playing with some commercial BI & Dashboard tools. There is a certainly quite broad range when it comes to features, price, scalability, administration capabilities, how they...

User Manual for Jay at Work

I thought it would be a fun exercise to write a short document about what I index on for my day job and folks I work with. What matters most...

Snowflake Testimonial - Rent The Runway: Reinventing Retail with Data Driven Insights

In August, I spoke at the Snowflake analytics tour on the topic "Rent The Runway: Reinventing Retail with Data Driven Insights". I was also asked to provide an account of...

#1 news story on details something that happened on SportsCollectors.Net

In my 20's, I taught myself to code and I created what has become a fairly popular community for sports autograph collectors - SportsCollectors.Net. I have mentioned it a few...

Simulating Vertica's conditional_change_event

Lately my team has spent a bunch of time migrating our data warehouse from Vertica to Snowflake. While Snowflake has excellent support for analytic functions, Vertica has some functions that...

Snowflake's lateral flatten function on variant data type

Snowflake is a really interesting new data warehouse built on top of AWS. I like their architecture because they had the interesting idea to separate data storage (backed by small...