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Sending email through Gmail SMTP server - C# and Powershell examples

I know I haven't posted much code on this blog, but this snippet I found valuable. While I can certainly host my SMTP server, it would be so much easier...

The Difference between a Good and Bad Place to Work.

I enjoy reading the insights I can find from Ben Horowitz (he was founder/CEO of Opsware and nowadays is founder/partner at Andreessen-Horowitz which manages near $3B). I recently read one of his blog posts where he...

When to Build vs. Buy

I had been lucky enough to get to work on a diverse variety of business models and approaches to solving problems over the past 20 years. For most of the...

Bayesian Theory and the Theory of Life

One of the reasons I love working in Manhattan is all the cool opportunities to learn and the networks of interesting people. Every Monday I receive an email from tech...

Reunion from the Internet Boom - 12 years later

In June 1999, I moved to New York City and took a job as a Site Manager working The job was to manage a team of front end coders...

My Willingness To Fail Gives Me The Ability To Succeed

I was watching the LiveStream from the TechCrunch Disrupt conference, and I heard  co-founder of Sun Microsystems and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla say the title of this post: My Willingness...