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Bayesian Theory and the Theory of Life

One of the reasons I love working in Manhattan is all the cool opportunities to learn and the networks of interesting people. Every Monday I receive an email from tech...

Reunion from the Internet Boom - 12 years later

In June 1999, I moved to New York City and took a job as a Site Manager working The job was to manage a team of front end coders...

My Willingness To Fail Gives Me The Ability To Succeed

I was watching the LiveStream from the TechCrunch Disrupt conference, and I heard  co-founder of Sun Microsystems and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla say the title of this post: My Willingness...

Is the Right Selling Price an Optimized Price?

I think every person running a business needs to regularly ask themself the following question: Given our operating constraints, what is the best mix of products and/or services for us...

Are You Swimming in a Red or Blue Ocean?

I am quite fascinated how people/companies are able to innovate, make the most of their opportunities, and disrupt the established norms. It amazes me how some companies can tackle a...

There’s a big difference between routine and commitment

I am a very big fan of the New England Patriots. In the early 1990's, they were terrible (going 1-15 twice in 3 years). Then Bill Parcells was hired as...