Jay Grossman
Jay Grossman
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Happy 21st Birthday for SCN

Happy 21st Birthday for SCN

Last week marked the 21st Anniversary from when I publicly launched SportsCollectors.net allowing collectors to join. It's been a pretty wild ride and I thought I would celebrate a little bit on the site's blog.

21 years is a long time and lot has happened to me personally:

  • I learned to program and build things
  • I met my AWESOME wife and got married
  • Welcomed my daughter and son
  • Changed day jobs and moved homes more than a few times
  • Red Sox won 4 World Series, Pats won 6 Super Bowls, Bruins won in 2011
  • My collection has grown and improved. A LOT!!!

I'd like to thank everyone who has been along with me for the ride. I am continually amazed how many folks that joined that first year are still regular contributors and such a big part of our community. Also, by how often many of you proactively reach out to help and do nice things for other collectors. Through SCN, many of you have become my personal friends and have brought me such enjoyment sharing your passion for collecting.

Here's a silly graphic I made with some highlights along the site's progression:

21 years

Please Note:
This content was cross posted on the sportscollectors.net blog at: