Jay Grossman
Jay Grossman
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New Look on JayGrossman.com

New Look on JayGrossman.com

Welcome to the new version of my blog!!! I migrated over 10+ years of content to a platform and a fresh (cleaner) look.

The Old Blog

In 2012, I was doing a lot more development in ASP.NET/C#, so I decided to move my blog to a platform that was more familiar to me. I set up my blog with blogengine.io that I self-hosted. At the time, it had some decent features and I was able to modify a theme I liked (design shown below):

There were some things I didn't like about my set up:

  • It was a pain to set up and maintain.
  • It had become slower.
  • The WYSIWYG editor made some really ugly HTML.
  • The widgets were not flexible and easy to customize.
    (compiling old .NET to make changes was a pain).
  • A white background would be better for reading content.

Moving on to something more modern

I remembered that my friend Collin Meyers had mentioned that he set up a blog hosted with Github Pages. So I took a look and it looked pretty straight forward to set up.

Github Pages natively supports the ruby based blog framework - Jekyll. I had never used it before, but it was very easy to set up locally with rbenv, install the gems and get it working. There were some things I immediately liked:

  • There were plenty of themes to choose from (free and paid).
    I chose the Mediumish because it was clean and simple.
  • The scripting is easy to customize the theme.
  • There are tons of examples on google and ChatGPT.
  • I can use both HTML and markdown.

There are many great tutorials online that will walk you through setting up a blog with Github Pages and Jekyll. I found this one to be the most helpful: Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages.

Here is a nice video I watched by Spencer Pao:

There were some gotchas in setting up a custom domain. Here is a helpful video from Kenny Yip:

Since I migrated from a different platform to Jekyll, it was helpful to set up redirects so my old URLs resolve with my new site. This GEM was helpful to set up page level redirects:

The new platfrom will certaily make it easier for me to post new content. Now I just need to find time and motivation to add more to this blog consistently.